TRM Architect


Kiernan Locker Room Expansion

Locker Room Reconfiguration

Niagara University, NY


Niagara University commissioned TRM to completely reconfigure two locker, toilet and shower room areas on the first floor of Kiernan Center. The existing locker rooms where combined with toilet and shower rooms into separate men and women’s rooms. TRM worked closely with the University to solve their need for greater flexibility during games, in which locker rooms could be non-gender specific while still providing restrooms for both genders.


Working within the confines of the existing spaces, TRM reworked the existing women’s locker and toilet rooms into separate women’s and men’s restrooms. The existing men’s restroom was reconfigured into two separate non-gender specific locker rooms each with shower and toilet room stalls. TRM’s space planning skills helped to solve the problems and meet the needs of University facilities even while working within the limits of the tight existing spaces. The new design also improved accessibility by now providing accessible toilet and shower rooms. Individual shower rooms also provided greater privacy over the ganged shower design of the existing locker rooms.


While working within the same spaces, TRM provided greater functionality, privacy, and the ability to provide locker rooms for two teams of either gender while still providing a comparable

number of fixtures to the existing restrooms. This was accomplished through TRM’s excellent

communication with facility staff and assessment of program needs early on in the project. TRM’s problem solving abilities have helped us to meet the design and space planning needs of Niagara University as a long standing client since 1978.






Project Type: Academic - Higher Education



Niagara University

Lewiston, NY


Project Schedule:

Est. Date of Completion: September 2012

Actual Date of Completion: September 2012


Construction Costs:

Budget Project Costs: $490,000

Actual Project Costs (at bid): $535,500

Final Project Costs: $542,000



448 delaware avenue • buffalo, ny 14202 • 716.883.3516 tel • 716.883.4740 fax • contact us